What is required for a domain to be transferred to or from USL? Print

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When transferring your domain to USL:

You can do this yourself here:


Ask one of our team to do it all for you.

The First thing you will need to do if you are not yet a USL customer is to sign up with us here:

Your Domain must be older than 30 days for Co.ZA and 60 days for COM ORG NET etc. to be able to transfer.
You will need to advise your current hosting company that you are transferring your domain away so they can cancel your automatic billing with them.
You will then need to get, an Authorization code (if applicable), unlock the domain (if applicable) .Co.ZA does not need an Authorization code but COM ORG etc. do & needs to be unlocked.

Ensure that you have access to the email address listed as the Registrant for your domain at the ZACR registry or use the link below.
An email “ticket” requesting permission to transfer the domain will need to be
accepted from this email address.

  • Domains are updated or transferred via a voting process, with a voting ticket sent to the email address listed as the Registrant of the domain. This is the only email address authorised to accept the transfer.

Use This link to look at .co.za Domain Information:

For COM ORG NET etc..
Use any Whois information service on Google or ask our team to assist you.
Here is a example of a WHOIS Site:

  • If your current host or webdesigner etc.. is listed as the Registrant, they will need to accept the transfer request on your behalf.
  • If the email address is outdated or wrong, your current registrar can update it for you, but updates takes 5 days to complete, and you’ll have to wait until this period is completed before you can submit the transfer ticket.

Ensure that you have a copy of your website content to upload to USL's servers.

If you are the domain registrant:

      1. Check your email and accept the update request (voting ticket) that you will receive from the registrar, ZACR. 

Example of a Co.Za Transfer Ticket That Will be Sent:

ZAR Reg Example Form


  • For most international TLDs you will need to instruct your current registrar to ‘unlock’ your domain for transfer. This needs to happen before you initiate the transfer process.
  • An Authorisation Code will be required to action the transfer of international TLDs (all domains except .co.za, .de, .eu). This will be generated when the domain is unlocked.
  • Note: A 60-day waiting period applies to new registrations or transfers – if your domain has been registered or transferred within the last 60 days, you will not be able to submit a transfer.
Still having Trouble?  Contact the USL Team to handle everything for you, all you need to do is answer the Transfer Ticket that is sent and we will do the rest.

When transferring your domain away from USL:
You will need to personally make sure your ICANN WHOIS Information is updated and ensure that your account is paid up. You might need to go through a security check before any action is taken.
Thereafter you will contact your new hosting provider and get further instructions from them.

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